Today we went on a hike in Portland's Forest Park. It was a pretty cool place. There were moss and ferns everywhere, which made for beautiful scenery in every direction. Forest Park is just over 5,150 wooded acres and is the largest, forested natural area within city limits in the United States. Although the most of the trail we went on was only open to people and dogs, other sections are open to bicyclists and people on horseback.

The trees in the park were very tall and straight. I did a lot of looking up.

Much of the ground was carpeted in ivy which also grew up trees, choking out just about everything. Poor other trees.

One pretty neat thing is that many of the trees had ferns growing off of them. There were even some large stumps with ferns growing off of their tops, which to me looked like stumps with afros.

The only troublesome part of the hike was that many sections of the trail were very muddy and required artful crossing. We all managed to survive the hike without falling lady we passed on the trail wasn't so lucky, her front side was covered in mud. We did not laugh at her.

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